financial planning & wealth management

Our investment philosophy

We are very aware our advice will shape your financial future and as professional advisers we will only recommend a course of action if we believe it to be in your best interest. Our approach is based on a wealth of academic research, independent studies, experience and accumulated knowledge of financial services.

Investments form a critical part of most of our clients’ personal financial plans and are inherently quite simple; it is their packaging that can be complicated. As Independent Financial Advisers, we have access to a comprehensive range of investment funds, both institutional and specialist, across the whole market. This brings considerable benefits in terms of cost and asset allocation opportunities. We will manage your investments in a sensible, cost-efficient manner to achieve the best market return we can within your risk parameters.
Research demonstrates that, over the long term, risk and reward are inextricably linked, and that equity investment has delivered the best long term returns when compared with cash, fixed interest and property. However, equities are also more volatile.

our portfolios

We are constantly seeking to improve our offering to clients by researching and analysing the market place. At regular meetings of our investment committee we review available funds and compile a range of portfolios offering risk/return profiles to suit each of our clients and their requirements.

We blend lower risk/return assets with higher risk/return assets to achieve different portfolio characteristics. We include other asset classes such as fixed interest (bonds) to provide some balance to the volatility of equities, whilst retaining the potential for higher future returns than holding cash on deposit. We also ensure that our clients’ portfolios are further diversified by introducing exposure to international markets. Then we model the historic returns to ensure our theory is backed up by actual results and we review their performance on a regular basis.
Typically, annual management charges on the funds we use range from 0.10% to 1.00% per annum depending on the fund manager and type of fund. Fixed interest funds, for example, usually have lower annual management charges than equity funds, and some specialist equity funds can have higher than average charges. When combined within our portfolios, these charges average out to give a range of approximately 0.2% to 0.77% per annum depending on the structure and risk return profile of the portfolio.
For the avoidance of doubt, please note that our fees and the investment platform/investment custody fees are in addition to fund management charges.

our aims

We aim to provide:
  • An efficient, first-class, professional service while retaining a personal touch.

  • The benefit of years of experience and study.

  • A plan* tailored to your specific requirements, reviewed and modified over time.

  • Research and administration backed up by the latest technology.

  • Assurance of our confidentiality and trustworthiness.

Please remember, the value of investments can fall as well as rise, and you may not get back all of your original investment.

*Please note that cashflow forecasting and the planning process are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. If you engage us, we will make clear to you at the time which areas of advice are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


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