It is never too early or too late to start thinking about how to achieve and protect your desired lifestyle in later years.

We can help you identify the level of income you will need in the future and how to build it through pensions, savings and investments.  Then, during retirement we can help you to protect and manage your funds to maintain your income at the desired level.  We can also help you to plan the distribution of your assets in an efficient way.
We will work with you to identify your desired future lifestyle and review your existing financial arrangements. We will then create a lifetime cashflow forecast* to identify any shortfall and recommend the most appropriate solutions to address that. Once in place, if you wish, we will monitor the performance of your arrangements and recommend any updates to ensure they remain on track to achieve your desired outcome.

As you approach retirement we will advise on the best way to manage your funds and assets to provide the income you require and to protect your lifestyle. This may include the use of tax-free cash from your pension pot(s), choosing between income drawdown and annuity payments and lifetime mortgages.

Please note that a pension is a long-term investment. The fund value will fluctuate and may go down. Your eventual income will be affected by the size of the fund at retirement, future interest rates and tax legislation.

We do not advise on transfers of occupational pension schemes.
Equity release allows individuals aged 55 and over to release money from the property they live in without having to make regular monthly repayments unless they choose to. By using an equity release product, a home owner can draw a lump sum or regular smaller sums from the value of their home, while retaining ownership and remaining in their home, until they die or go into long term care.

We can help you to understand the steps involved, talk you through your options, and weigh up the advantages and disadvantages fully before you decide if equity release is right for you. Equity release is often seen as the option of last resort and it is very important to consider carefully whether other options are available which may be more appropriate, such as a later life mortgage where assessment is based on pension income. Personalised illustrations will always be provided to help you understand the features and the risks of these kind of products. We do not advise on home reversion plans.
Not many people actually pay inheritance tax but it is important to understand your potential liability and, if you wish, to put in place steps to reduce that liability before it is too late.

We can review your circumstances and recommend actions you can take which include, amongst other things, making gifts to family, friends and charities more than seven years before death and putting assets in trust. In some circumstances it is also possible to insure against any inheritance tax falling due on any gifts made within seven years of death. In more complex situations we may introduce you to a separate tax adviser.

Please note that tax treatment is dependent on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.
For a number of reasons, a high proportion of people in the UK do not have a will. Yet dying intestate (without a valid will) means their estates will be distributed according to the rules of intestacy which may not reflect their wishes or expectations.

Amongst other things, by drawing up a valid will you can determine how your estate will be distributed, avoid a larger than intended inheritance tax bill, ensure your children and/or unmarried partner are protected and prevent family battles over your legacy.

However, it is important to take legal advice to ensure your wishes are accurately reflected and can be implemented in the way you intend. We can introduce you to lawyers specialising in this field who can also act as your executors and in preparing probate submissions.

It is worth thinking ahead about how your affairs will be managed if you lose the capacity to do that yourself. If you’re aged 18 or older and have the mental ability to make financial, property and medical decisions for yourself, you can arrange for someone else to make these decisions for you in the future. This legal authority is called a “lasting power of attorney” (LPA) and is often arranged at the same time as drawing up or revising a will and can usually be done by the same solicitor.

There are two types of LPA:

  1. A health and welfare LPA which gives your attorney the power to make decisions about issues such as your daily routine, moving into a care home and life-sustaining medical treatment. It can only be used if you’re unable to make your own decisions.
  2. A property and financial affairs LPA which gives your attorney the power to make decisions about your money and property including managing your income and bank accounts, paying bills and, if necessary, selling your home. Once registered with the Office of the Public Guardian, it can be used immediately or held in readiness until required.
* Please note that cashflow forecasting, the planning process, estate planning, disaster planning and tax planning are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. If you engage us, we will make clear to you at the time which areas of advice are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


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